Let’s go!

So far today hasn’t been easy.  Well, I stayed in bed until 11:45am, so that was easy… and great!  🙂  I wasn’t actually asleep that whole time… just determined not to get up.  While I was laying there I prayed a prayer I’ve been repeating lately- God open the door I’m supposed to walk through and close the doors I’m not. 

I then get up later and read my email and find that I was turned down from the last job that I was holding out to get… so why do I start crying and getting sad when God is doing exactly what I asked Him to do.  Trusting isn’t easy.

I was talking to a friend last week about my desire to have a husband and to marry the man God has created me to be with, and she said, it may be 10 more years.  I said if I knew for sure it was going to be 10 more years I would just settle for a “good-enough” husband and get married now instead of waiting for God’s will.  Perhaps that is part of the reason He doesn’t tell me how long it will be.  Honestly if I had known 10 years ago that I would still be single, I would have already married a “good-enough” husband and been done with it.  I know that shows my lack of maturity, but that is just me being real in my efforts to follow God.  It isn’t easy to trust Him, but I am SO glad that I have.   

My journey in life hasn’t been easy, BUT it has been SO worth it!  I LOVE God and I am seeking His will and agenda for my life and not my own, even though I sometimes struggle with it.  Through the tears and struggle, I still cling to God grasping to trust Him.

Today is the first day of this blog, and I am going to effort to write everyday for a year.  I look forward to seeing where this journey takes me, and where I find myself a year from today.  I may need encouragement along to way to keep writing, so feel free to leave your comments 🙂

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